Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Calc vs. Excel

OOo Calc vs. Microsoft Excel

In earlier articles, I compared OpenOffice.org 2.3's and MS Office 2007's word processors and slide show programs. It seems appropriate to round off the comparison with a look at spreadsheets, the third of the core programs in any office application.

I spent a couple of days testing OOo Calc and Microsoft Excel features for formatting, list-making, formulas, and formula tools. Since the range of user expertise in spreadsheets tends to be much wider than in slide shows or even word processors, I considered the programs largely from the perspective of an average user who might require a spreadsheet for home or business use.

There are some features I like better in Excel 2007 and some I like better in Calc. I am waiting for Open Office 3.0 to come out. Hopefully they will improve in some areas. Version 3.0 is due out sometime in September form what I have read. I do agree with the article saying Writer is better than Word. Writer is the only word processor I use. It is very easy to type mathematical equations an symbols using Writer and Math.

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